Success in School - Keyle

Giving children the one on one time they need

When Keyle first enrolled in The Communities in Schools of Durham's 21st Century Community Learning Centers program at EK Powe Elementary School, she was quiet and shy. She was also missing some of the key skills to succeed in school, such as phonics, reading comprehension and basic math skills.

Using CIS's proven model, Success Coaches like Zenovia Hogue provide support services to a select group students within each school. These students are selected based on criteria like attendance, behavior and coursework. The Success Coach then crafts an individualized, evidence based solutions for each student with programs like peer reading groups, socio-emotional groups, and after school programs.

​"She was significantly behind but very capable" says Hogue, "Teachers have a classroom full of students to teach and it's difficult to give some children like Keyle the one on one time they need, but that is where I am happy to help." Hogue worked with Keyle every day, both in the classroom and during the CIS 21st. Century after school program, using a variety of tools including tailored math and reading interventions.

The result? Keyle showed tremendous growth by improving at least one level in each course and maintaining those improvements for three grading periods.


Success at Home


Summer Success - Santiago