Summer Success - Santiago

Meet Santiago

Santiago, a student at E.K. Powe Elementary School, was initially met during the first week of the 2017 school year by our Graduation and Success Coach, Moné Smith. He was sitting next to his classmates, not engaging anyone including Moné who was trying to get to know him. In the days following, she observed Santiago in class, saw that he kept to himself and did not like to talk to his teachers or classmates. Additionally, it was revealed to Moné that Santiago had a speech impediment and was not reading or writing at grade level.

As a part of the services delivered to Santiago through CIS Durham, he received an hour of individualized reading time during the school day. Followed by a positive behavior incentive system that focused on his participation in activities during the after-school program, where he was enrolled. This system rewarded him with points when he fully participated in activities, which included talking with fellow students, to win prizes at the end of the week. His after-school teachers noticed that he began to open up, talk, and participate without being prompted.

To encourage continued social development, Moné encouraged Santiago to come to our summer program, “Sustainable Living and Me!”. During that program, Moné began to see the biggest improvement in Santiago’s social skills. He would enthusiastically participate in the activities, be engaged in competitions and start conversations with teachers and his peers. Students were tasked with hands-on work in the school garden and Santiago worked hard with weeding and watering. He volunteered to answer questions and read passages as they learned about different growing seasons and the processes involved in sustaining a garden or farm. Santiago remained on the positive behavior incentive system throughout the summer, one classmate even remarking, “we love this new Santiago”.

Santiago began to realize that the more effort he put into the program, the greater benefits he received--through friendships, positive praise, rewards, and increased reading skills. As his mother watched him give his short speech about the use of tools and safety in the garden she noticed his change and smiled with pride!

Santiago will be entering the 4th grade in the 2018-2019 school year with improved reading skills, the confidence to make his voice heard in class and make friends.


Success in School - Keyle